Please note that our camp membership is based on double occupancy so you can bring a spouse, partner, friend or family member…it’s like a two for one!
Also note that all of our membership fees can be applied to course enrollment fees for that given year so its like the best learning discount ever!
Annual CSW Camp Membership - $280
Join us for “Community Supported Wildcrafting” (CSW), we believe in meaningful holidays and this is a chance to have a home away from home where you can absorb the energies of the natural world, commune with others of like-mind and perform meaningful activities that will help regenerate planet Earth.
Please remember that if you enroll in any Wildcraft Forest School program we’ll deduct the “Annual CSW Camp Membership” price that you paid for in that given year.

The Shelter Revolution also holds seven special features:
Building Off-grid, Remote and Tiny in the Okanagan and British Columbia - What you need to know and how to remain confident with your vision.
New Alternative Building and Design Principles - Support local ecology, wildcrafting the two kilometer homestead.
The New Micro Workspace – Small footprint opportunities and solutions for working at home; and working rural and remote.
Counter-Urbanization – Trends facing people and communities as urban and rural dynamics shift in a post pandemic world.
The Buddhist Prepper – Methods of creating peaceful community as you retreat to your safe haven.
The Elemental Investor – Shifting traditional patterns so that investment portfolios place the Earth first.
The Off-Grid Showcase in the Forest – An outdoor trade fair for all sorts of alternative and small footprint living.
The event is being held at the Wildcraft Forest Incubator Centre located in the North Okanagan outside of Lumby, British Columbia. This is an outdoor event and there are only 30 seats available for the weekend which runs from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon so please register early. There are different types of accommodation available from camping, RV parking and hotel – we can supply you with options.
The cost is $160 per person for the entire weekend. Registration will close at 30 seats. You can purchase your tickets from this secure Paypal site or by E-transfer if you contact us
$160 per person for a Weekend Pass
Early Bird Rate: $120 per person until May 1, 2023
Upon registration you will be emailed a ticket for the event. Registration at the door will not be available.
If you have questions or if you would like to register as a guest speaker please contact us at 250.547.2001 or by email at:
This weekend strategy camp includes low cost practical solutions for small footprint living; creating “eco-villages” and places a special focus on “leadership” while turning your house into a home.
August 5 & 6, 2023
at the Wildcraft Forest
Located in the North Okanagan outside of Lumby, British Columbia
- How & Where to Build Going Off-Grid
The Shelter Revolution Camp has 30 seats available for the weekend which includes workshops, demonstrations and presentations about small footprint living; how to build and where; how to go off-grid all while keeping your costs low and practical. This camp is about creating “eco-villages” and places a special focus on “leadership” while turning your house into a home.
"We are misleading ourselves when we believe that the “homeless” are made up of people who have been left without shelter. In fact, the homeless problem is much larger than that. Benjamin Franklin once said, “A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body.” Millions of people across North America are locked within a confined sense of aloneness, supported by the bricks and mortar of their “house”, which has never found its way to become a “home”. The “houseless” problem is actually simple to solve, it is merely attached to the pleasures and will of the community and certain economic forces who will either seek to build shelter or not…but the “homeless” problem, it’s a much tougher thing to solve because it’s tied directly to the idea of oneself and ones connection to love, community, spirit and the cosmos."
- Don Elzer - Wildcraft Forest
If you purchase a Wildcraft Forest Community Membership you can attend a number of our special events such as this one where you will receive a discounted pass, to learn more visit our membership page.
August 5 & 6, 2023
Wildcraft Forest - Lumby, British Columbia