Therapeutic Touch
Therapeutic Touch works with the body’s life force energy also known as prana or chi. In encouraging the flow of energy to move freely through us, we are providing mental, emotional, physical and spiritual availability and support to our being.
Cost: $80 per person
Call for more information
or for an appointment: 306.741.4170
Indian Head Massage
Indian Head Massage is a 4,000 year old art of massaging oil into the upper back, neck, shoulders, head and face. This type of massage focuses on the head to provide nourishment and nurturing to the brain, hair, bodily systems including the hormone/glandular system, mental clarity and a profound sense of well being simultaneously providing stimulation and relaxation.
Cost: $80 per person
Call for more information
or for an appointment: 306.741.4170
Become the Forest - Meditation vs. Medication
Connect, reflect, release and heal....
This Yasei Shinrin Yoku session helps us to release and be present in the natural world. In order to feel better, to feel good; to feel refreshed and invigorated it’s important to release all that is holding us back. Being aware of simple relationships allows us to notice the elemental synchronicities that can inspire us with wonder. When we become immersed in nature there is a certain mindfulness, which is reawakened within us. This Yasei Shinrin Yoku session seeks to help us to complete our essence by connecting with the forests life force in three phases or interactions, essence, energy and spirit.
Nature is like a super multivitamin that provides us with all sorts of the nutrients we need. That's how nature can protect us from all these different kinds of diseases--cardiovascular, respiratory, mental health, musculoskeletal, etc. – simultaneously. Nature can be the medium by which release can occur, it creates the diversion in which you van return back to your core being. Research has found evidence that spending time in nature provides protections against a startling range of diseases, including depression, diabetes, obesity, ADHD, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and many more.
“Become the Forest” Session includes:
A guided wander through the forest to engage with Mother Tree life force which is also known as “chi” and the "the natural energy of the universe" which operates the body and manifests in everyone and everything.
Replenishing the well – an introduction to ancient slow movement exercises linked to essence, energy and spirit.
Indian Head Massage. This is a 4,000 year old art of massaging oil into the upper back, neck, shoulders, head and face. This type of massage focuses on the head to provide nourishment and nurturing to the brain, hair, bodily systems including the hormone/glandular system, mental clarity and a profound sense of well being simultaneously providing stimulation and relaxation.
A connection with Wild Plant Spirit Medicines and the science of Yasei Shinrin Yoku with regards to “intention”.
Wild Tea Ceremony
A guided experience into the hidden connections that exists in the forest that includes ancestral connections.
Session Length: 4 Hours
Cost: $180 per person
Schedule an individual or group session.
Call us at the Wildcraft Forest: 250.547.2001
The Yasei Wild Regeneration Program is a unique 12 week Forest bathing program designed to help people with creative recovery supported by nature. It teaches techniques and exercises that will assist people in gaining self-confidence in harnessing their meaning and purpose by enlisting the natural wild energies found in the forest. The program is focused on supporting healthy relationships through stewardship and removing life blocks and fostering confidence and renewal in one’s life.
The 12 week program takes place once a week within four hour sessions in the forest. A session includes a combination of physical exercise, Yasei practice, study, and meditation and group dynamics. Research shows that 2-3 hours of Forest Bathing per day, for 3 days, increases your natural killer cell activity (cancer fighting white blood cells) by 56% and it will stay that way for approximately 30 days.
12 Session Day Pass (12 Week) – $540
24 Session Day Pass (24 Week) - $1000
Schedule individual or group sessions.
Call us at the Wildcraft Forest: 250.547.2001
Yasei Shinrin Yoku
Treatment Sessions
Yasei Shinrin-Yoku Teachers Training
Yasei Shinrin-Yoku Teachers Training provides participants with certification to perform our unique version of Forest Bathing, which combines the healing abilities presented by the natural world with spiritual and environmental stewardship, which encourages meaning and purpose within the context of agape relationships and the Wildcrafters Promise.
In Formation - The Spirit of Knowing
Connect, regenerate and energize
This Yasei Shinrin Yoku session helps renew our healthy mental activities and consciousness. “Shen” or the spirit represents pure and vital energy connected largely to the nervous system. The nervous system consists of the "original spirit" and actions that are vital to survival such as breathing or the heart beat. A person's consciousness is the spirit of knowing, conscious activities, and the thinking process, which can be developed through learning.
The forest helps us to understand that we are Gaia’s imagination and immersion in the natural world allows us to find a place of connection or greater creativity and purpose because we are free to be happy. This “In Formation” session helps us to focus on healthy intentions and to create a vision for our future – this becomes renewal. Using forms of wildcrafted yoga we will become meditatively focused in the forest in the presence of gently moving leaves under a canopy of trees.
If we are absorbed and relaxed, chances are that our parasympathetic system is happy and our immune system is going to get a boost because the forest provides the phytoncides, mycobacterium vaccae, negative air ions, vitamin D-producing sunlight, and other active ingredients that lead to better physical and mental health.
“In Formation” Session includes:
A guided wander through the forest to engage with Mother Tree life force which is also known as “chi” and the "the natural energy of the universe" which operates the body and manifests in everyone and everything.
An introduction to soft footprint meditation in the forest.
Therapeutic Touch. This works with the body’s life force energy also known as prana or chi. In encouraging the flow of energy to move freely through us, we are providing mental, emotional, physical and spiritual availability and support to our being.
A connection with Wild Plant Spirit Medicines and the science of Yasei Shinrin Yoku with regards to “intention”.
Wild Tea Ceremony
A guided experience into the hidden connections that exists in the forest that includes ancestral connections.
Session Length: 4 Hours
Cost: $180 per person
Schedule an individual or group session.
Call us at the Wildcraft Forest: 250.547.2001
Deep Forest Breathwork
Connect, relax and form intention
Engaging with the life force found within the forest this Yasei Shinrin Yoku session helps us to access to higher realms of awareness, awakens one's "true nature", and helps develop human potential. Through deep rhythmic breathing, slow moving and flowing meditation; and deep rhythmic breathing we will move into a calm meditative state of mind.
Through this Deep Forest Breathwork session we will discover that the forest is a single living organism connected to everything. This experience will encourage us to breathe deeply so that we can renew the love within ourselves and embrace an agape presence in the world. This session will introduce us to ancient practices of "internal alchemy"; "circulating qi" and "standing meditation" all mixed with the slow gymnastic breathing exercise of "guiding and pulling".
By exercising our five senses we become more alert and in-tune, this allows our mind, body and spirit to renew and re-boot our immune system. One way to understand this relationship between nature, health, and the immune system is that exposure to nature switches the body into "rest and digest" mode, which is the opposite of the "fight or flight" mode. When the body is in "fight or flight" mode, it shuts down everything that is immediately nonessential, including the immune system. When we feel completely safe, our body devotes resources to long-term investments that lead to good health outcomes--growing, reproducing, and building the immune system. When we are in nature in that relaxed state, and our body knows that it's safe, it invests resources toward the immune system.
“Deep Forest Breathwork” Session includes:
A guided wander through the forest to engage with Mother Tree life force which is also known as “chi” and the "the natural energy of the universe" which operates the body and manifests in everyone and everything.
An introduction to ancient practices of "internal alchemy"; "circulating qi" and "standing meditation" all mixed with the slow gymnastic breathing exercise of "guiding and pulling".
Indian Head Massage. This is a 4,000 year old art of massaging oil into the upper back, neck, shoulders, head and face. This type of massage focuses on the head to provide nourishment and nurturing to the brain, hair, bodily systems including the hormone/glandular system, mental clarity and a profound sense of well being simultaneously providing stimulation and relaxation.
A connection with Wild Plant Spirit Medicines and the science of Yasei Shinrin Yoku with regards to “intention”.
Wild Tea Ceremony
A guided experience into the hidden connections that exists in the forest that includes ancestral connections.
Session Length: 4 Hours
Cost: $180 per person
Schedule an individual or group session.
Call us at the Wildcraft Forest: 250.547.2001

Yasei Shinrin Yoku Immersion
We offer different forest immersion experiences for individuals and groups which can be customized by theme, location and length of time. We also offer bodywork and energy treatments by appointment.